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🔆Step by step virtual class info! 🔆

1) Breathe. 

2) Download Mindbody & create account.

Search for SoulRebeLex (may need to fix perimeter to find us, but we are on there!!) 

Click Here to go to Mindbody website

3) Download Zoom and create an account or simply hit "join meeting".

Click here to go to Zoom website

4) Using MindBody, sign into "Alternative to In Studio" for the virtual class you would like to attend, up to 30 minutes prior to class time.

5) Within 30 minutes prior to class, check email for Zoom meeting room number and Password to Zoom meeting. 

6) Head over to Zoom, hit join meeting, enter room number and password. Boom.

Welcome to the SRL Online Virtual Studio.


7) Take said class, feel like a champ!!


(Class instructions will be given prior to class starting on muting yourself so there is no feedback, pining host screen & securing yourself from view if you do not want to be seen.)  😎


Please message me with any & all questions.

I’m here working endlessly to make this AS EASY as possible to transition online. 

Feel better. 

Tackle your demons. 


Join our wonderful community of fabulous people! 

See you all on your virtual mats. 

As always, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. From the very depths of my heart. ❤️🔆💚

SoulRebeLex® Yoga. Proudly created with

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